Friday, September 14, 2012

Water Quality
A) Ph level tests show if your water is acidic or basic. If the water is too much of either of these then your fish cannot  live in it. it is important to test your water to make sure your fish will live.
B) Nitrite is toxic to the fish. by keeping plants in your tank you will keep this low. testing nitrite level regularly is important to keeping fish alive
C) Nitrate is not as bad for fish as nitrite or ammonia but can still harm fish in higher doses. easiest way of lowering nitrate level is to change water out regularly.
D) Ammonia is toxic to fish and will kill them if tank is not kept properly. it is produced by excess food in the bottom of the tank and fish poop.
E) Temperature needs to be kept as consistent as possible because rapid changes in temperature will kill fish. it is good to make sure the temperature of water that is being added is close to water already in the tank.
F) Conductivity testing can help tell if there are impurities in the water. It can help tell how much salt and other substances might be in your water.

Robin of Locksley 

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