Monday, September 10, 2012

black kuhli loach

   Ahab here, today I'm going to tell you about the black kuhli loach. A variant of the kuhli loach which is  a small eel like fish usually gets up to about four inches and is native to south easter asia. Kuhli loaches are bottom feeding scavengers, who's preferred habitat is shallow streams with sandy bottoms. Kuhli loaches like to hide and are mostly nocturnal, there are many instances actually were owners of the loaches had thought their fish was dead and then found it months later while cleaning the tank and finding the lost fish. There is very little distinction between male and female kuhli loaches while not in the mating season, but during the mating season male kuhli loaches begin to look more muscular while females ovaries swell and turn green and are visible through their skin. during mating female kuhli loaches lay their eggs around the roots of aquatic plants, you can spot their eggs because they're a very vibrant green color. All in all I picked the kuhli loach for my aquarium because it is a bundle of energy when it is active. I have never seen an aquarium fish swim as fast as my kuhli loach when we disturbed its hiding place, and if it was bigger I think it stood a chance of breaking the glass of its aquarium.

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