When our aquarium was first set up our water was fairly turbid, our ammonia was high and the fish were fairly shy. Now our nitrogen cycle has almost finished stabilizing, we are having trouble with the nitrite as opposed to the ammonia. The water lost much of its turbidity when we installed a filter. Best of all though our fish have acclimated to the tank, our grourami now does not hide, it swims around at about mid-level in our tank, and is one of the most active fish in the tank. Our kuhli loach now preforms acrobatics after we feed it, and our cory catfish cruise around the bottom. All of this has made me want to own a fish tank, unfortunately my current situation does not allow it. I think the most interesting thing that has happened in my group's tank is when we lost our loach, we had gone a couple of days when we first got him with out seeing him, and since hiding is a normal thing for loaches to do we didn't worry. After the weekend though and we still hadn't seen him, we began to worry, after tearing up our tank looking for him, we finally found him, he had been trapped inside a rock.
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